

Gallery: Back Yards

Winding Pathway
Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Beaucatcher Bearded Iris
Oregon Ash
Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender

Common name:Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender
Botanical name:Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Grey'

Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Gray' is an evergreen shrub. This dense foliaged plant grows to 2.5'-3' high and 3'-4' wide, with silvery leaves that are toothed at the tips. Deep violet-blue flowers from spring to late fall.

Beaucatcher Bearded Iris

Common name:Beaucatcher Bearded Iris
Botanical name:Iris bearded 'Beaucatcher'

Peach 'Van Gogh style" blooms on tall, well branched stalks.

Oregon Ash

Common name:Oregon Ash
Botanical name:Fraxinus latifolia

Oregon Ash is a deciduous tree that grows slowly, reaching 25' in 10 years. Leaves are made of leaflets, turning yellow or brown in fall. Small green or yellow flowers bloom in spring, before leaves appear. Flowers are considered inconspicuous. This tree prefers full sun with fertile, moist, well draining soil.

Gravel is a great permeable surface.

Designer: Susan Stiltz

Winding Pathway
Image: 10 of 30

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Fix leaking sprinklers, valves, and pipes.

One broken spray sprinkler can waste 10 gallons per minute - or 100 gallons in a typical 10 minute watering cycle.