

Tour: Lamb's Ear Garden

Lamb's Ear Garden Driveway
Compact Lacy Nandina
New Zealand Flax
Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle
Olive, Edible Olive
Lamb's Ear
Common Field or Slender Sedge
Sprenger Asparagus
Compact Lacy Nandina

Common name:Compact Lacy Nandina
Botanical name:Nandina domestica 'Compacta'

The dwarf heavenly bamboo is an evergreen shrub that grows 4'-5' high. It has green and bronze foliage that turns red in the winter. It is resistant to oak root fungus and hardy to 10 degrees F. The dwarf heavenly bamboo is native to CA and is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

New Zealand Flax

Common name:New Zealand Flax
Botanical name:Phormium tenax

New Zealand Flax is a large, bold plant with stiffly vertical, sword-like, green leaves that arise from its base. It should be grown under full sun for best color. Varieties will offer different growth habits and leaf color.


Common name:Snow-In-Summer
Botanical name:Cerastium tomentosum

Masses of snow white flowers highlight this plant during the early summer season. This attractive ground cover is a great filler among other plants and rocks. Foliage is silver gray or gray/green and is woolly. This plant tolerates coastal conditions and desert areas. Use in rock settings, in hanging baskets, containers, or as a lawn substitute. Cut back in fall to refresh plant.

Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle

Common name:Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle
Botanical name:Vinca minor

This groundcover will grow less than 1' tall and has small, glossy, dark green leaves with blue, purple, lavender, or white flowers that bloom in the spring.

Olive, Edible Olive

Common name:Olive, Edible Olive
Botanical name:Olea europaea

This broad tree will slowly grow to 20'-30' tall and wide. It has small, grey-green, evergreen leaves. Small white fragrant flowers bloom in spring, followed by fleshy black fruit that appears in fall. Fruit is messy and can stain sidewalks. There are cultivars that do not produce fruit. Some folks are allergic to the blooms. This tree is very long lived, with a beautiful gnarled trunk. It prefers full sun and low watering in summer months (twice a month) and none during the winter, when established.

Lamb's Ear

Common name:Lamb's Ear
Botanical name:Stachys byzantina

This tiny shrub will grow less than 1' tall and has medium-size, greyish-green leaves with blue and lavender flowers that bloom in the spring. This shrub is grown more for its velvety leaves than the flowers. It is drought tolerant once it's established. Be careful not to overwater.

Common Field or Slender Sedge

Common name:Common Field or Slender Sedge
Botanical name:Carex praegracilis

This California native grass can tolerate occasional flooding or standing water as it is found in marshes and wetlands. It does make a great lawn substitute as it can be mowed, will take sun and part sun and need watering once a week in hot summer months. This sedge uses much less water than sod. It can be used for erosion control also.

Sprenger Asparagus

Common name:Sprenger Asparagus
Botanical name:Asparagus densiflorus 'Sprengeri'

This plant is given a soft, mound-like appearance by the long, arching branches that are found covered with small, bright green leaves. It is able to grow in either full sun or partial shade.


Common name:Pecan
Botanical name:Carya illinoieninsis

This plant produces deciduous leaves that have lance-shaped leaflets and twigs that are a grayish/brown color with light brown buds.

Designer: Jeff Gamboni

Lamb's Ear Garden Driveway
Image: 4 of 6

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.