

Tour: Price Garden

Price Garden LIttle John
Bottlebrush Little John
Red Star Texas or Autumn Sage
White Bacopa
Bottlebrush Little John

Common name:Bottlebrush Little John
Botanical name:Callistemon X viminalis 'Little John'

The 'Little John' exhibits very dense, compact growth to 3' x 3'. It produces clusters of blood red flowers and grey green foliage. A very regular, almost symmetrical, spiral patten of dense oval leaves is shown along the stems.

Red Star Texas or Autumn Sage

Common name:Red Star Texas or Autumn Sage
Botanical name:Salvia greggii 'Red Star'

This shrub will grow 1'-4' tall and wide. It has glossy green leaves with red flowers that bloom from spring through fall. It prefers well draining soil with regular watering although it will take drought conditions. It will become leggy looking. Prune spent flowers to encourage more blooming.

White Bacopa

Common name:White Bacopa
Botanical name:Sutera cordata

White Bacopa is a prostrate ground cover with white flowers. It reaches 1' tall and spreads to 2' wide. This lovely plant blooms most of the year if given ample water (otherwise, flowers drop). Leaves are small, heart shaped, aromatic and heart shaped. Plant in full sun near coastal areas; provide afternoon shade or complete shade in warm inland areas. It does better in acid, rich soil that is well draining. This is a great plant for containers and hanging baskets.

Designer: Susan and Pat Price

Price Garden LIttle John
Image: 15 of 18

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

In general, lawns only need to be watered once every three days.

Check your irrigation controller and reduce watering times if necessary.