

Gallery: Back Yards

Stacked Rock Wall Terrace
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Waxleaf Privet
Mugho Pine
Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Common name:Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Botanical name:Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'

The Japanese Maple is a small tree standing only 20-25' high and 20' wide. Its outstanding foliage is a somber red and contrasts nicely with the bark. The tree also has a striking scarlet fall color.

Waxleaf Privet

Common name:Waxleaf Privet
Botanical name:Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum'

This dense, evergreen shrub reaches 6'-8' tall and 4'-6' wide. Waxleaf Privet has dark green, leathery, evergreen leaves that make a great privacy hedge. White fragrant flowers bloom in spring and summer. Bees love these flowers! Blue black berries follow bloom season. Part of this shrub may be poisonous if ingested. It prefers full sun to light shade with a medium amount of watering, more in hot summer months.

Mugho Pine

Common name:Mugho Pine
Botanical name:Pinus mugo

Pinus mugo is an evergreen tree or shrub that grows slowly. Needles are 2", dark green, stout, and crowded. Cones are 1"-2", oval, and tawny to dark brown. Generally a bushy, twisted, somewhat open pine.


Stacked Rock Wall Terrace
Image: 19 of 30

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Replace turf with groundcovers, trees, and shrubs. If you have areas where no one uses the grass, patches that do not grow well, or a turf area too small to water without runoff, consider replacing the turf with water-efficient landscaping.