Common name:Pink Soap Aloe
Botanical name:Aloe maculata
This succulent plant will grow about 2' high and has large, greenish-white leaves with orange, pink, and red flowers that bloom in spring and fall.
Common name:Artichoke
Botanical name:Cynara scolymus
This perennial will grow 4' tall and 6'-8' wide. It has silvery green leaves with bluish purple flowers that bloom in spring. Artichoke heart is a favorite vegetable of California kitchens but it is a great ornamental plant often overlooked for color contrast. Provide full sun, well draining soil and medium amount of watering for best harvest of the hearts.
Common name:Golden Bamboo
Botanical name:Phyllostachys aurea
This bamboo will grow to about 25' tall and is drought tolerant with dense foliage.
Common name:Pork And Beans
Botanical name:Sedum X rubrotinctum
This groundcover will grow less than 1' tall and has small leaves that vary in color and are brownish/bronze in the fall. Red and yellow flowers will bloom in spring and summer.
Common name:Elijah Blue Fescue
Botanical name:Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'
The 'Elijah Blue' is a lovely ground cover grass with silver blue foliage that quickly reaches 12" tall and wide. This evergreen grass has golden flowers that bloom in summer. However, 'Elijah Blue' is grown for its foliage. Plant in full sun in coastal areas; in warm inland areas, it should receive afternoon shade to prevent it from turning brown. It is drought tolerant once it's established. It prefers well draining soil.
Common name:Red Yucca
Botanical name:Hesperaloe parviflora
This spectacular succulent grows to 3'-4' tall and wide. Blue green leaves are strap-like, leathery, long, with white fraying fibers on the edges. During the summer, dark pink flowers are seen on red flower arching stalks. Hummingbirds love these flowers. This evergreen plant is drought tolerant once it's established but will appreciate extra water during the summer to promote blooms. Plant in full sun or light shade, with well draining soil. Deer like the foliage. This plant looks great in pots.
Common name:Mission or Tree Cactus, Indian Fig
Botanical name:Opuntia ficus-indica
This unusual looking cactus forms a trunk topped with pads (actually the leaves) that have few spines. Flowers are yellow to orange in late spring and early summer, found at the edges of the pads. Green edible fruit follows the bloom period. Fruit turns purple when ripe. This cactus need full sun and well draining soil. It is frost sensitive. The newly formed pads, or nopales of this cactus are used to make a delicious salsa,. The major pest comes from a scale.