

Gallery: Back Yards

Backyard Planting Combination in Fall
Germander Sage
Crimson-Spot Rockrose
Western Redbud
Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage
White Gaura
Chinese Pistache
Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras
Blue Oat Grass
Germander Sage

Common name:Germander Sage
Botanical name:Salvia chamaedryoides

Low mounding perennial with long bloom spreads by underground runners. Produces a small, silvery foliage which serves as a background for bright blue flowers. Bruised leaves have spicy fragrance. Native to eastern Mexico 7-9000' in desert habitat Grows to mature size of 2' tall and wide. Heaviest bloom in spring and early fall, intermittent throughout the rest of the season. Full sun, well drained site. No fertilizer. Drought tolerant.

Crimson-Spot Rockrose

Common name:Crimson-Spot Rockrose
Botanical name:Cistus ladanifer

Crimson spot Rockrose is a mid-sized shrub to 6' with an equal spread and a compact habit. Leaves are 4" long, dark green above, lighter beneath, sticky and fragrant. Flowers are white and 3" wide, with a maroon basal spot on each petal. They bloom in late spring and early summer. Adapted to periods of drought. Originally from Southwestern Europe to North Africa. - Native Sons Nursery

Western Redbud

Common name:Western Redbud
Botanical name:Cercis occidentalis

This deciduous shrub or small tree reaches 15' tall and 10' wide. Beautiful magenta flowers appear in spring, before the leaves appear. Foliage is apple green , turning yellow to red in the fall. Seed pods dangle on this tree in winter. Western Redbud prefers full sun but will appreciate afternoon shade in desert areas. It needs well draining soil. It is drought tolerant once it's established. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. A tree of varying interest all year round!

Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage

Common name:Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage
Botanical name:Salvia leucantha

The Mexican Sage is a bushy shrub that grows 3'-4' tall and wide. It has hairy white stems, grey-green leaves and velvet-like purple flower spikes that bloom summer through fall. This shrub tolerates sun, light shade, little water, and is hardy to 15 degrees F. The Mexican Sage attracts hummingbirds. Be careful not to overwater. -Cornflower Farms

White Gaura

Common name:White Gaura
Botanical name:Gaura lindheimeri

White Gaura is a profusely flowering perennial for all zones that grows 2'-4' high. It has pink buds that open to showy white flowers in spring and fall. It needs full sun and is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Chinese Pistache

Common name:Chinese Pistache
Botanical name:Pistacia chinensis

The Pistacia chinensis is a deciduous tree with broad, spreading growth to 50' in height. Its leaves have 10-16 leaflets, and the fall coloring arrives in beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. Prune young trees to shape. This tree does not have edible nuts. Female trees have tiny red fruit, turning dark blue. It prefers full sun and deep, infrequent waterings. This is a great street or park tree.

Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras

Common name:Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras
Botanical name:Miscanthus sinensis

Miscanthus sinensis is popular ornamental grass. Red flowers are held well above foliage clumps, appearing in summer, and may be cut for fresh or dry arrangements. Miscanthus needs full sun and watering at least once a week and more during hot summers. Foliage is variegated, with a thin white band down the center. This grass does great in coastal as well as warm inland valleys.

Blue Oat Grass

Common name:Blue Oat Grass
Botanical name:Helictotrichon sempervirens

The blue oat grass is an evergreen blue clumping grass that grows 12"-18" tall and wide. Its showy flowers are 1'-2' above the foliage. This plant looks good alone as well as in mass plantings. The blue oat grass likes dry hill sides and is drought tolerant. -Cornflower Farms

Most native plants are extremely water efficient.

Designer: Dave Roberts Landscape

Backyard Planting Combination in Fall
Image: 25 of 30

Photographer: GardenSoft

Water Saving Tip:

Fix leaking sprinklers, valves, and pipes.

One broken spray sprinkler can waste 10 gallons per minute - or 100 gallons in a typical 10 minute watering cycle.