
Plants by Common Name

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Lantana 'Christine'

Christine Lantana

Helleborus niger

Christmas Rose

Cuphea ignea

Cigar Plant, Firecracker Plant

Hemerocallis 'Cleopatra'

Cleopatra Daylily

Salvia clevelandii 'Whirly Blue' Native Plant

Cleveland Sage Hybrid

Salvia clevelandii Native Plant

Cleveland Sage, Calif. Blue Sage

Rosa Climber 'Sally Holmes'

Climbing Rose

Rosa Climbing varieties

Climbing Rose

Achillea filipendulina 'Cloth of Gold'

Cloth of Gold Fernleaf Yarrow

Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Karr'

Clumping Bamboo Alphonse Karr

Gazania 'Sun Gold'

Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower

Quercus agrifolia Native Plant

Coast Live Oak

Sequoia sempervirens Native Plant

Coast Redwood, Redwood

Westringia fruticosa

Coast Rosemary, Westringia

Solenostemon scutellarioides

Coleus (assorted selections)

Picea pungens glauca

Colorado Blue Spruce

Picea pungens

Colorado Spruce

Aquilegia hybrids


Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta'

Columnar Italian Cypress

Acer platanoides 'Columnare'

Columnar Norway Maple

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