
Plants by Common Name

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Pinus sabiniana Native Plant

Foothill, Gray & Digger Pine

Pyracantha 'Forest Hills'

Forest Hills Pyracantha

Mirabilis jalapa

Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru

Agave attenuata

Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave

Escallonia 'Frades'

Frades Compact Escallonia

Philadelphus 'Virginalis'

Fragrant Mock Orange

Osteospermum fruticosum

Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai

Lavandula dentata candicans

French Gray Lavender

Lavandula dentata

French or Toothed Lavender

Iris bearded 'Frequent Flyer'

Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris

Morus alba 'Fruitless'

Fruitless White Mulberry

Ribes speciosum Native Plant

Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry

Acer japonicum

Fullmoon Maple

Leptospermum scoparium 'Gaiety Girl'

Gaiety Girl New Zealand Tea Tree

Dahlia hybrids

Garden Dahlia

Hydrangea macrophylla

Garden Hydrangea

Tropaeolum majus

Garden Nasturtium

Pelargonium X hortorum

Garden or Common Geranium

Helianthus annuus

Garden or Common Sunflower

Viola X wittrockiana

Garden Pansy

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