
Plants by Common Name

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Lonicera X heckrottii

Goldflame or Coral Honeysuckle

Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame'

Goldflame Spirea

Lavandula 'Goodwin Creek Grey'

Goodwin Creek Grey Lavender

Malus 'Gorgeous'

Gorgeous Crabapple

Pyracantha fortuneana 'Graberi'

Graberi Tall Pyracantha

Lithodora diffusa 'Grace Ward'

Grace Ward Lithodora

Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus'

Gracillimus Green Maiden Grass

Iris bearded 'Grandma's Purple Flag'

Grandma's Purple Flag Bearded Iris

Melaleuca elliptica

Granite Bottlebrush or Honey-Myrtle

Juniperus scopulorum 'Gray Gleam'

Gray Gleam Columnar Juniper

Melaleuca incana

Gray Honey-Myrtle

Echeveria 'Imbricata'

Gray-Blue Hens and Chicks

Campanula latifolia

Great Bellflower

Euryops pectinatus 'Viridis'

Green Euryops Daisy

Santolina rosmarinifolia

Green Lavender Cotton

Arctostaphylos patula Native Plant

Greenleaf Manzanita

Dasylirion wheeleri

Grey Desert Spoon, Sotol

Lavandula X intermedia 'Grosso'

Grosso Hedge Lavender

Phyla nodiflora Native Plant

Ground Cover Lippia, Lippia

Myoporum parvifolium

Ground Cover Myoporum

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