Cyclamen persicum
Florists' Cyclamen
Cyclamen persicum is a tuberous perennial that grows 1' tall and 6"-10" wide with silver to green leaves. It likes shade and well draining, sandy loam soil with lot of peat or organic matter. It is often grown as a house plant. Pink, white or red flowers bloom in winter and spring, on stems above the foliage. Cyclamen is not frost hardy but cannot stand heat also. It may go dormant in summer. Plant in protected areas from drying winds.
Plant Type
Height Range
Under 1'
Flower Color
Pink, Purple, Red, White
Flower Season
Winter, Spring
Leaf Color
Green, Silver
Bark Color
Fruit Color
Fruit Season
Check the soil's moisture level before watering.
You can reduce your water use 20-50% by regularly checking the soil before watering.