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Low Maint. Trees
African Sumac
American Arborvitae
Amur Maple
Arizona Cypress
Atlas Cedar
Australian Willow, Wilga
Austrian Pine
Autumn Gold Ginkgo Tree
Beaked Yucca
Blue Haven Columnar Juniper
Burford Holly
California Glory Flannel Bush, Frem
Capital Columnar Callery Pear
Cedar Of Lebanon
Chitalpa Tree
Colorado Spruce
Columnar Italian Cypress
Columnar Norway Maple
Common Flannel Bush
Common Hackberry
Coulter or Bigcone Pine
Crape Myrtle
Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil
Desert Date Palm
Dr. Hurd Tree Manzanita
Dwarf Hinoki Cypress
Dwarf Tanyosho Pine
Globe Norway Maple
Golden Deodar
Golden Pyramid Arborvitae
Hetz Arborvitae
Incense Cedar
Interior Live Oak
Japanese Black Pine
Koster Blue Spruce
Lace Leaf Japanese Maple
Little White Oleander
Mayten Tree
Mediterranean Fan Palm
Mexican Blue or Blue Hesper Palm
Mexican Elderberry
Miniature Italian Cypress
Mugho Pine
Norway Maple
Oregon Ash
Pacific Madrone, Madrona
Pink Dawn Chitalpa Tree
Pink Hybrid Locust
Purple Hopseed or Hop Bush
Red or Purple Guava
Red Sunset Maple
Ruby Glow New Zealand Tea Tree
Sargent G. C. Juniper, Shimpaku
Scalon Red Maple
Siberian Peashrub
Silver Dollar Gum
Skyrocket Columnar Juniper
Sour Gum, Tupelo, Pepperidge
Strawberry Tree
Sweet Hakea
Tanyosho Pine
Tea Crabapple
Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean
Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl
Valley Oak, Calif. White Oak, Roble
Variegated Tobira
Vine Maple
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Weeping Bottlebrush
Weeping Giant Sequoia, Big Tree
White Fir, Silver Fir
White Spruce
Yellow Cypress