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Fast Growing Plants
Acanthus, Bear's Breech
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< alt="Hemerocallis 'Acapulco Night'">
Acapulco Night Daylily
Adagio Green Eulalia Grass
African Boxwood
African Queen Butterfly Bush
Ageratum, Floss flower
Ajuga, Bugle Flower, Carpet Bugle
Alkali Dropseed
All That Jazz Bearded Iris
Allepo Pine
Annual Coreopsis, Calliopsis
Annual Cosmos
Anthony Waterer Spirea
Apache Plume
Apple Annie Daylily
Apple Blossom Moss Phlox
Arizona or Flattop Buckwheat
Arizona or Velvet Ash
Aromas Cleveland Sage
Arrowwood Viburnum
Australian Tree Fern
Australian Willow, Wilga
Autumn Joy Stonecrop
Autumn Moor Grass
Baby Tears, Angel's Tears
Bahia Daylily
Bamboo Muhly
Barbara Karst Red Bougainvillea
Bearberry Cotoneaster
Beaucatcher Bearded Iris
Bengal Tiger Bearded Iris
Berkeley Sedge
Beverly Sills Bearded Iris
Biokovo Geranium
Bitsy Daylily
Black Knight Butterfly Bush
Black or Honey Sage
Black Tea Tree, Prickly Paperbark
Black-Eyed Stella Daylily
Black-Eyed Susan
Blatant Bearded Iris
Blood-Red or Scarlet Trumpet Vine
Bloodgood London Plane Tree
Blue Marguerite
Blue Pfitzer Juniper
Blue Rug Ground Cover Juniper
Blue Spike or Bog Sage
Blue Staccato Bearded Iris
Blue Wildrye
Blue-Eyed Grass
Boston Ivy
Bottlebrush Little John
Bower Vine
Bowles Mauve Wallflower
Box Elder
Breakers Bearded Iris
Brilliant Showy Stonecrop
Bronze Loquat
Buchanan Sage, Buchanan's Fuchsia S
Burgundy Blanket Flower
Butterfly Bush cv.
Butterfly Bush, Summer Lilac
Butterfly Iris or Fortnight Lily
Cable Car Bearded Iris
Calendula, Pot Marigold
California Buckwheat
California Fan Palm
California Fuchsia Catalina
California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
California Glory Flannel Bush, Frem
California Gray Rush
California or Golden Poppy
California Pepper, Peruvian Pepper
California Sagebrush
California Sycamore
California Wild Grape
Calla Lily or Calla
Canary Island Pine
Canberra Gem Grevillea
Canna, Canna Lily
Canyon Gray Coastal Sagebrush
Canyon Prince Island Wild Rye
Cape Honeysuckle
Cape Mallow
Cardinal Flower
Carmel Creeper
Carmel Sur Manzanita
Carnation, Clove Pink
Carolina Jessamine
Cecile Brunner Rose
Checkerbloom, Prairie Mallow
Chinese Elm, Chinese Evergreen Elm
Chinese Wisteria
Chinese Wisteria Cooke's Special
Chitalpa Tree
Chocolate Vine, Five-leaf Akebia
Christine Lantana
Cleopatra Daylily
Cleveland Blue Sage
Cleveland Sage, Calif. Blue Sage
Cloth of Gold Fernleaf Yarrow
Clumping Bamboo Alphonse Karr
Clumping Gazania, Treasure Flower
Coast Redwood, Redwood
Columnar Italian Cypress
Columnar Norway Maple
Common Flannel Bush
Common Foxglove
Common Garden Petunia
Common Lilac
Common Morning Glory
Common or White Snowberry
Common Thyme
Common Trumpet Creeper
Common Yarrow, Mifoil
Common Zinnia
Compact Golden Juniper
Concha Ceanothus, California Lilac
Conejo or Saffron Buckwheat
Confetti Lantana
Copper King Gazania
Coral Beauty Bearded Iris
Coral Eyes Moss Pink
Cornflower or Bachelor's Button
Creeping Fig
Creeping Jenny, Moneywort
Creeping St. Johnswort, Aaron's Bea
Crested Celosia
Curly Top or Leather Leaf Sedge
Cushion Butterfly Bush
Cushion Crimson Rockrose
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< alt="Hemerocallis 'D. Moon'">
D. Moon Daylily
Danesblood Bellflower
Dark Star Ceanothus, California Lil
Dawn Redwood
Daylily (hybrid selection)
Daylily Magic Man
Daylily Pandora's Box
Dazzling Gold Bearded Iris
Deer Grass
Delicate Treasure Daylily
Deodar Cedar
Diablo Ninebark
Diana White Rose Of Sharon
Donkey Tail, Burro Tail
Double Gropelle Daylily
Double Petaled Gloriosa Daisy
Double Sunburst Coreopsis/Tickseed
Drooping She-Oak, Coast Beefwood
Dusky Challenger Bearded Iris
Dwarf Coyote Brush or Bush cv.
Dwarf Karo
Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea
Dwarf Red Fountain Grass
Dwarf Twisted Dogwood
Early Sunrise Coreopsis/Tickseed
Echo De France Bearded Iris
Emerald Pink Moss Pink
English Ivy
Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras
European White Birch
Euryops Daisy
Evans Hebe
Eve Case Compact Coffeeberry
Evergreen Candytuft
Evergreen Clematis
Evergreen or Flowering Pear
Fairy Fan Flower Mauve Clusters
False or Hawaiian or Mexican Heathe
Fan-Tex Ash
Fiesta Red Gazania
Flameleaf Sumac
Flamingo Box Elder
Flamingo Green Eulalia Grass
Flanders Poppy
Flaxleaf Paperbark
Flowering Maple, Chinese Lantern
Foothill, Gray & Digger Pine
Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
Frades Compact Escallonia
Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai
Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris
Fruitless White Mulberry
Garden Hydrangea
Garden Nasturtium
Garden or Common Sunflower
Garden Pansy
Garden Stock
Ghostly Red California Fuchsia
Giant Catmit
Giant Running Timber Bamboo
Giant Wild Rye
Gingerbread Man Daylily
Girl's Birthday Bearded Iris
Globe Gilia, Blue Thimble
Globe Mallow
Globe Norway Maple
Glore de Versailles Ceanothus
Gloriosa Daisy, Black-Eyed Susan
Glossy Abelia
Golden Trumpet, Allamanda
Golden Bamboo
Golden Elaeagnus
Golden Goddess Clumping Bamboo
Golden Shower Threadleaf Coreopsis
Golden Wattle, Sydney Golden Wattle
Goldfink Coreopsis
Graberi Tall Pyracantha
Grandma's Purple Flag Bearded Iris
Granite Bottlebrush or Honey-Myrtle
Gray Honey-Myrtle
Great Bellflower
Green Euryops Daisy
Green Lavender Cotton
Ground Cover Potentilla
Ground Morning Glory
Gypsy Spell Daylily
Hahn's English Ivy
Hall's Honeysuckle
Hamelin White Plume Fountain Grass
Hardy or Bower Actinidia
Heartleaf Brunnera
Hearts and Flowers
Heather Blush Bearded Iris
Hemstiched Bearded Iris
Hidcote Goldencup Hypericum
Homestead Purple Verbena
Honey Bush
Honey Locust, Sweet L., Honeyshuck
Honey or Texus Mesquite
Honeysuckle Fuchsia
Horsetail Rush
Horsetail Tree
Hybrid Mimulus selections
Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
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< alt="Rosa Hybrid Tea selection">
Hybrid Tea Rose cultivar
Hybrid White Rockrose
Iceland Poppy
Idaho Locust
Imperial Bronze Siberian Iris
Improved Freesia
Indian Laurel Fig, Chinese Banyan
Indian Mock Strawberry
Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy
Island Alum Root
Ivy Geranium
Jackman Purple Large-Flowered Clema
Jacquemontii Birch
Japanese Black Pine
Japanese Maple
Japanese Pagoda Tree, Chinese Schol
Jelecote or Mexican Pine
Johnson's Blue Cranesbil
Joseph's Coat
Joyce Coulter Ceanothus, California
Judith Daylily
Julia Phelps Ceanothus, California
Jupiter's Beard, Red Valerian
Kaleidescope Abelia
Kangaroo Paws, Red
Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
Kiwi, Chinese Gooseberry Vine
Lady Banks' Yellow Rose
Lady Elizabeth Daylily
Lady Fern
Lady Lucille Daylily
Lamb's Ear
Lamb's Ears Silver Carpet
Lantana Patriot, Classic Passion
Large Leaf Silverberry
Lavender Cotton
Lavender Passion Vine
Lavender Starflower
Lavender Swirl Trailing Lantana TM
Lavender Trumpet Vine
Lee Bea Orange Crush Daylily
Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Lemon-Mint
Lemon Bottlebrush
Lemon Swirl Lantana
Lemon-Scented Gum
Lemonade Berry
Licorice Mint, Sunset Hyssop
Licorice Plant
Light Beam Bearded Iris
Limelight Strawflower
Limemound Spirea
Lindheimer's Muhly
Lion's Tail
Liquidambar 'Festival'
Little Bulestem Grass
Little Leaf Cordia
Little White Oleander
Lochinch Summer Lilac
London Plane Tree
Lucifer Red Crocosmia or Montbretia
Lullaby Baby Daylily
Magenta Carpet Cranesbill
Magnificum Geranium
Mandolin Bearded Iris
Marguerite Dwarf Yellow
Master Magician Daylily
Matilija Poppy
Melody Doll Daylily
Merlot Mood Bearded Iris
Mexican Elderberry
Mexican Evening Primrose
Mexican Fan Palm
Mexican Feather Grass
Mexican Orange or Mock Orange
Mexicana California Fuchsia
Miniature Italian Cypress
Moerheim Santa Barbara Daisy
Monarch Blanket Flower
Moonbeam Threadleaf Coreopsis
Mosquito Grass, Blue Grama Grass
Mother Lode Lavender Cotton
Mother-of-Thyme, Creeping Thyme
Mountain Violet Bearded Iris
Mrs. B. G. Bonner Daylily
New Gold Trailing Lantana
New Zealand Flax
Nichol's Willow-Leafed Peppermint
Northern or Western Catalpa
Norway Maple
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Oldham or Giant Timber Clumping Bam
Orange Crush Daylily
Orange or Brown Sedge
Orchid Spot or Orchid Rockrose
Oregano, Wild Marjoram
Oregon Ash
Oriental Fountain Grass
Oriental Weigela
Ornamental Onion
Owls Blue Ceanothus
Pacific Mist Manzanita
Pacific Sunset Flannel Bush
Pacific Wild Ginger
Pandora's Box Daylily
Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris
Parsons Ground Cover Juniper
Peruvian Verbena
Petite Pink Oleander
Petite Salmon Oleander
Pfitzer Juniper
Pineapple Guava, Feijoa
Pink Abelia
Pink California Fuchsia
Pink Champagne Marguerite
Pink Coral Rockrose
Pink Dawn Chitalpa Tree
Pink French Pussy willow
Pink Hybrid Locust
Pink Jasmine
Pink Melaleuca
Pink Plume Eulalia Grass
Pink Tree Mallow
Point Sal Spreader Purple Sage
Polydan Eucalyptus
Pork And Beans
Potatoe Vine
Powis Castle Artemisia
Prairie Zinnia
Premier Siberian Iris
Pride of Madeira
Prima Fossi Daylily
Primrose Jasmine
Prostrate Coyote Brush or Bush
Prostrate Spreading Acacia
Purple Coneflower
Purple Hopseed or Hop Bush
Purple or Gray Sage
Purple Robe Dwarf Cup Flower
Purple Robe Locust
Purple Showers Viola
Purple Smoke Tree
Purple-Leaf Acacia
Purplish N.Z. Flax
Putah Creek Ground Cover Myoporum
Radiation Lantana
Rainbow Warrior N.Z. Flax
Ray Hartman Ceanothus
Red Buckwheat
Red Bunny Tails Fountain Grass
Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster
Red Elderberry
Red Flowering or Pink Winter Curran
Red Fountain Grass
Red Monkey Flower
Red or Pink Ironbark
Red or Scarlet Maple
Red Spider Daylily
Red-Leaf or Fraser Photinia
Redtwig or Red Osier Dogwood
Reincarnation Bearded Iris
River She-Oak
Robert Young Bamboo
Rojo Alto Daylily
Rose selected cutlivar
Rosea Japanese Wisteria
Royal Purple Smoke Tree
Rubens Pink Anemone Clematis
Ruffled Canary Siberian Iris
Sageleaf Rockrose
Saltillo Evening Primrose
Santa Barbara or Mexican Daisy
Santa Cruz Firethorn
Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat
Santa Cruz Rockrose
Sargent G. C. Juniper, Shimpaku
Saw-Leaf or Japanese Zelkova
Scarlet Monkey Flower
Sea of Joy Bearded Iris
Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Sebastian Daylily
Shademaster Honey Locust
Shalina Japanese Maple
Shamel or Evergreen Ash
Shasta Daisy
Shindeshojo Japanese Maple
Shishi Gashira Japanese Maple
Siberian Peashrub
Side-Oats Grama
Silk & Heavy Daylily
Silk Tree, Mimosa Tree
Siloam Plum Tree Daylily
Silver Bush Morning Glory
Silver Dollar Gum
Silver Fountain Butterfly Bush
Silver Lace Vine
Silver Leaf Marguerite, Paris Daisy
Silver Maple, Soft or White Maple
Silver Mound Artemisia
Silver or Large Wormwood
Siskiyou Mexican Evening Primrose
Small Cape Rush
Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
Spanish Bluebell or Scilla
Spanish Lavender
Sparaxis, Harlequin Flower
Sparkler Freeway Daisy
Spider Flower
Spreading Acacia
Sprenger Asparagus
Sticky Monkey Flower
Strawflower, Everlasting
Streamside Monkey Flower
Striped Society Garlic
Sugar Bush
Sulfur Flower, Sulphur Flower
Sun Singer Siberian Iris
Sunburst Honey Locust
Sunburst Hypericum
Sunburst Trailing Gazania
Superba Fescue Grass
Superstition Bearded Iris
Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Flag
Sweet Hakea
Sweet Musette Bearded Iris
Sweet Pea Shrub
Sweet Woodruff
Taiwan Creeping Blackberry
Tarata Pittosporum
Temari Violet Verbena
Terra Cotta Yarrow
Tiny Pumpkin Daylily
Tom Thumb Dwarf Flax
Totem Poles or Lilac Melaleuca
Trailing Gazania, Treasure Flower
Trailing Lantana
Trailing Rock Soapwort
Tulip Tree
Twin Crown Daylily
Ural False Spirea
Variegated English Ivy
Variegated Garden Hydrangea
Variegated Gout Weed
Variegated Japanese Sedge
Variegated Ribbon Grass, Gardener's
Velvet Dusty Miller
Victor Reiter Thyme
Virginia Creeper
Walther Funcke Yarrow
Waverly Sage
Waxleaf Privet
Weeping Bottlebrush
Weeping Giant Sequoia, Big Tree
Weeping White Mulberry
Weeping Willow
Western Columbine
White Alder, Western Alder
White Ash
White California Fuchsia
White California Poppy
White Flowering Freeway Daisy
White Gaura
White Lady Marguerite
White Lightnin' Trailing Lantana
White Lily of the Nile
White Peruvian Verbena
White Texas or Autumn Sage
White Wisteria
Whoop Em Up Bearded Iris
Wind Frills Daylily
Wings of Gold N.Z. Flax
Wright Buckwheat
Wynyabbie Gem Westringia
Yankee Point Ground Cover Ceanothus
Yellow Bird Of Paradise
Yellow Cape Honeysuckle
Yellow Cosmos
Yellow Cypress
Yellow Trailing Lantana
Yellow Trumpet Vine, Cat's Claw
Yellow Wave N.Z. Flax
Yellow-Eyed Grass