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Fall Interest
img src=""
< alt="Hemerocallis 'Acapulco Night'">
Acapulco Night Daylily
Adagio Green Eulalia Grass
Ageratum, Floss flower
Ajuga, Bugle Flower, Carpet Bugle
All That Jazz Bearded Iris
Amur Maple
Angelita Daisy
Anise-Scented Sage
Ann Folkard Cranesbill or Geranium
Annual Coreopsis, Calliopsis
Annual Cosmos
Annual Lobelia
Anthony Waterer Spirea
Apple Annie Daylily
Argentine or Brazilian Verbena
Arrowwood Viburnum
Atlas Cedar
Autumn Gold Ginkgo Tree
Autumn Joy Sedum
Autumn Joy Stonecrop
Azure Bush Germander
Bahia Daylily
Bald or Swamp Cypress
Ballerina Rhaph or Indian Hawthorn
Barbara Karst Red Bougainvillea
Bearberry Cotoneaster
Beaucatcher Bearded Iris
Bengal Tiger Bearded Iris
Beverly Sills Bearded Iris
Big-Leaf Maple, Oregon or Canyon Ma
Bird of Paradise
Bitsy Daylily
Black Flowering Fountain Grass
Black-Eyed Susan
Blatant Bearded Iris
Blood-Red or Scarlet Trumpet Vine
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Bloodgood London Plane Tree
Blue Dracaena
Blue False Sea Holly
Blue Hibiscus
Blue Hibiscus Purple Haze
Blue Lavandin, Provence Lavender
Blue Oat Grass
Blue Staccato Bearded Iris
Boston Ivy
Bottlebrush Little John
Bower Vine
Bowles Mauve Wallflower
Box Elder
Breakers Bearded Iris
Bright Bead Cotoneaster
Brilliant Showy Stonecrop
Bronze Loquat
Burford Holly
Burgundy Blanket Flower
Bush Germander
Bush Strawflower
Butterfly Iris or Fortnight Lily
Butterfly Japanese Maple
Cable Car Bearded Iris
California Barberry or Holly Grape
California Bay or Laurel, Oregon My
California Black Oak
California Buckeye
California Buckeye
California Buckwheat
California Fuchsia, Zauschneria
California Sagebrush
Calla Lily or Calla
Camphor Tree
Canna, Canna Lily
Canyon Gray Coastal Sagebrush
Cape Honeysuckle
Cape Mallow
Cape Plumbago
Capital Columnar Callery Pear
Carmel Sur Manzanita
Carob Tree, St. John's Bread
Chanticleer Callery Pear
Cherokee Climbing Rose
Chinese Flame Tree
Chinese Forget-me-not
Chinese Fringe Tree
Chinese Pistache
Christine Lantana
Cigar Plant, Firecracker Plant
Cleopatra Daylily
Climbing Rose
Climbing Rose
Coast Rosemary, Westringia
Coleus (assorted selections)
Columnar Italian Cypress
Common Camellia
Common or White Snowberry
Common Zinnia
Compact Golden Juniper
Compact Lacy Nandina
Confetti Lantana
Coral Bark Maple
Coral Beauty Bearded Iris
Creeping Fig
Creeping Jenny, Moneywort
Creeping Mahonia
Creeping St. Johnswort, Aaron's Bea
Crimson Pygmy Japanese Barberry
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Curly Top or Leather Leaf Sedge
Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac
img src=""
< alt="Hemerocallis 'D. Moon'">
D. Moon Daylily
Dawn Redwood
Daylily (hybrid selection)
Daylily Magic Man
Daylily Pandora's Box
Dazzler N.Z. Flax
Dazzling Gold Bearded Iris
Deer Grass
Delicate Treasure Daylily
Desert Zinnia
Diablo Ninebark
Donkey Tail, Burro Tail
Double Gropelle Daylily
Double Petaled Gloriosa Daisy
Dove Tree, Hankerchief Tree
Dusky Bells Australian Fuchsia
Dusky Challenger Bearded Iris
Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Escallonia
Dwarf European Cranberrybush
Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo
Dwarf Hedge Viburnum
Dwarf Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea
Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwort
Dwarf Pomegranate
Dwarf Strawberry Tree
Dwarf True Myrtle
Dwarf Twisted Dogwood
Dwarf Vinca or Periwinkle
Eastern Dogwood
Eastern Dogwood
Eastern Pyracantha
Eastern Redbud
Echo De France Bearded Iris
Edith Fuchsia Moss Verbena
Elfin Creeping Thyme
Endress' Cranesbill
Eulalia Grass, Japanese Silver Gras
Euryops Daisy
Evans Hebe
Eve Case Compact Coffeeberry
Evergreen Candytuft
False or Hawaiian or Mexican Heathe
Fan-Tex Ash
Fiery Cascade Pyracantha
Flamingo Green Eulalia Grass
Forest Hills Pyracantha
Four O'Clock, Marvel of Peru
Freeway Daisy, Trailing African Dai
French Gray Lavender
Frequent Flyer Bearded Iris
Fullmoon Maple
Garden Hydrangea
Garden Nasturtium
Garden or Common Geranium
Garden Pansy
Germander Sage
Gingerbread Man Daylily
Girl's Birthday Bearded Iris
Globe Amaranth
Globe Blue Spruce
Globe Mallow
Gloriosa Daisy, Black-Eyed Susan
Glossy Abelia
Glossy Ternstroemia
Gold Dust Plant selections
Gold Spot Euonymus
Golden Trumpet, Allamanda
Golden Abundance Mahonia
Golden Bamboo
Golden Barrel Cactus
Golden Breath Of Heaven
Golden Deodar
Golden Elaeagnus
Golden Pfitzer Juniper
Golden Sword Adam's Needle Yucca
Golden Threadbranch Cypress
Golden Variegated Forest Grass
Goldflame or Coral Honeysuckle
Goldflame Spirea
Graberi Tall Pyracantha
Grace Ward Lithodora
Gracillimus Green Maiden Grass
Grandma's Purple Flag Bearded Iris
Granite Bottlebrush or Honey-Myrtle
Gray-Blue Hens and Chicks
Green Euryops Daisy
Ground Cover Lippia, Lippia
Ground Morning Glory
Gulf Stream Heavenly Bamboo
Gypsy Spell Daylily
Hairy Canary Clover
Hamelin White Plume Fountain Grass
Hearts and Flowers
Heather Blush Bearded Iris
Heavy Metal Switch Grass
Hedge Maple
Hemstiched Bearded Iris
Hillier Tea Crabapple
Hollywood Twisted Juniper
Homestead Purple Verbena
Hopa Old-Fashioned Crabapple
Huntington Carpet Rosemary
Imperial Bronze Siberian Iris
Improved Meyer Lemon
Indian Currant, Coralberry
Indian Mock Strawberry
Indian Princess Rhaph
Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy
Irene Creeping Rosemary
Irish Moss
Japanese Anemone
Japanese Aucuba
Japanese Barberry, Gold Barberry
Japanese Blood Grass
Japanese Maple
Japanese or Oriental Persimmon
Japanese Pagoda Tree, Chinese Schol
Joseph's Coat
Judith Daylily
Jujube, Chinese Date
Kaleidescope Abelia
Ken Hartman California Holly Grape
Kiwi, Chinese Gooseberry Vine
Krauter Vesuvius Purple-Leaf Plum
Lace Leaf Japanese Maple
Lady Elizabeth Daylily
Lady Lucille Daylily
Lalandei Tall Pyracantha
Lavender Starflower
Lavender Swirl Trailing Lantana TM
Lavender Trumpet Vine
Lee Bea Orange Crush Daylily
Lemon Bottlebrush
Lemon Queen Sunflower
Lemon Swirl Lantana
Light Beam Bearded Iris
Lily Turf
Limelight Strawflower
Limemound Spirea
Lion's Tail
Liquidambar 'Festival'
Liquidambar, American Sweet Gum
Little Bulestem Grass
Little Bunny Dwarf Fountain Grass
Little Leaf Cordia
Little Princess Japanese Spirea
Little White Oleander
Lochinch Summer Lilac
Lullaby Baby Daylily
Mahonia 'Golden Abundance'
Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo Tree
Majorica Pink Twisting Rosemary
Mandolin Bearded Iris
Marina Strawberry Madrone
Master Magician Daylily
Melody Doll Daylily
Merlot Mood Bearded Iris
Mexican Bush Sage, Mexican Sage
Mexican Creeping Lobelia
Mexican Evening Primrose
Mexican Feather Grass
Mexican Weeping Bamboo
Mexican Zinnia
Miss Willmott's Ghost
Moerheim Santa Barbara Daisy
Monarch Blanket Flower
Moonbeam Threadleaf Coreopsis
Morning Light Silver Grass
Mosquito Grass, Blue Grama Grass
Mountain Violet Bearded Iris
Mrs. B. G. Bonner Daylily
Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo
Natchez White Crape Myrtle
New Gold Trailing Lantana
Northern Sea Oats, Bamboo Grass
Oakleaf Hydrangea
October Daphne
Oklahoma Red Bud
Olive, Edible Olive
Orange Crush Daylily
Orange or Brown Sedge
Oregon Grape
Oriental Arborvitae
Oriental Fountain Grass
Oriental Weigela
Otto Quast Spanish Lavender
Pacific Madrone, Madrona
Pacific Wax Myrtle
Palace Purple Coral Bells
Pandora's Box Daylily
Paprika Fonos Bearded Iris
Paul's Scarlet Carriere Hawthorn
Peruvian Verbena
Petite Pink Oleander
Petite Salmon Oleander
Pink Abelia
Pink Champagne Marguerite
Pink Lady Rhaph or Indian Hawthorn
Pink Muhly, Hairy Awn Muhly
Pink Plume Eulalia Grass
Pink Soap Aloe
Pork And Beans
Potatoe Vine
Potomac Pink Crape Myrtle
Powis Castle Artemisia
Prairie Zinnia
Premier Siberian Iris
Prima Fossi Daylily
Princess Flower
Prostrate Coyote Brush or Bush
Prostrate Rosemary
Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme
Purple Delight Blue Hibiscus
Purple Hopseed or Hop Bush
Purple or Gray Sage
Purple Showers Viola
Purple Smoke Tree
Purple-Leaf Acacia
Purplish N.Z. Flax
Pyramidal European Hornbean
Pyrenees Cotoneaster
Radiation Lantana
Red Climbing Rose
Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster
Red Damask N.Z. Tea Tree
Red Fountain Grass
Red Hot Poker
Red Japanese Maple
Red Monkey Flower
Red or Pink Ironbark
Red or Scarlet Maple
Red Push Chinese Pistache
Red Spider Daylily
Red Star Texas or Autumn Sage
Red Sunset Maple
Red-Hot Poker, Torch Lily
Red-Leaf Japanese Barberry
Redtwig or Red Osier Dogwood
Redwood Sorrel, Oregon Oxalis
Reincarnation Bearded Iris
Rojo Alto Daylily
Rose Of Sharon, Shrub Althaea
Rose Pink Texas or Autumn Sage
Royal Purple Smoke Tree
Rubens Pink Anemone Clematis
Ruffled Canary Siberian Iris
Salal, Lemon Leaf
Santa Barbara Daisy selection
Santa Barbara or Mexican Daisy
Santa Cruz Firethorn
Sargent Crab Apple
Saw-Leaf or Japanese Zelkova
Scalon Red Maple
Scottish Heather
Sea of Joy Bearded Iris
Sebastian Daylily
Semi-trailing Yellow Gazania
Serbian Bellflower
Shaggy Garden Portulaca
Shalina Japanese Maple
Shindeshojo Japanese Maple
Shishi Gashira Japanese Maple
Showy Milkweed
Shrub Pink Floribunda Rose
Shrub Rose
Siberian Carpet Cypress
Silk & Heavy Daylily
Silk Tree, Mimosa Tree
Siloam Plum Tree Daylily
Silver Arrow Miscanthus
Silver Cloud Violet Silverleaf
Silver Lace Society Garlic
Silver Leaf Marguerite, Paris Daisy
Silver Sage
Silvery Sunproof Lilyturf
Small Cape Rush
Snowdrift Crabapple
Sour Gum, Tupelo, Pepperidge
Southern Magnolia, Bull Bay
Sparkler Freeway Daisy
Spider Flower
Spring Bouquet Compact Laurustinus
Springtime Rhaph or Indian Hawthor
Strawberry Tree
Strawflower, Everlasting
Striped Society Garlic
Sugar Maple
Sun Singer Siberian Iris
Sunburst Hypericum
Superstition Bearded Iris
Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Musette Bearded Iris
Sweet Pea Shrub
Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak
Tatarian Maple
Tea Crabapple
Temari Violet Verbena
Terra Cotta Yarrow
Texas Mountain Laurel, Mescal Bean
Texas Olive, Anacahiita
Thundercloud Copper-Purple-Purple L
Tiny Pumpkin Daylily
Tom Thumb Dwarf Flax
Toyon, Christmas Berry, Calif. Holl
Trailing Lantana
Transvaal Daisy, Gerbera
Tree Roses
Tricolor Dragon's Blood Sedum
Tufted Hair Grass
Tulip Tree
Tuscarora Deep Pink Crape Myrtle
Twin Crown Daylily
Two Row Stonecrop
Variegated English Ivy
Variegated Feather Reed Grass
Variegated Garden Hydrangea
Variegated Lilyturf
Variegated Ribbon Grass, Gardener's
Variegated Silver Grass
Variegated True Myrtle
Veitch Compact Gardenia
Vinca Rosea, Madagascar Periwinkle
Vine Maple
Walther Funcke Yarrow
Washington Thorn
Weeping Bottlebrush
White Angel Crabapple
White Ash
White Fairy Lily
White Flowering Freeway Daisy
White Flowering Maple
White Gaura
White Lightnin' Trailing Lantana
White Peruvian Verbena
White Texas or Autumn Sage
White Variegated Dogwood
Whoop Em Up Bearded Iris
Wind Frills Daylily
Winter White Dead Nettle
Yellow Cape Honeysuckle
Yellow Cosmos
Yellow Dietes or Fortnight Lily
Yellow Rabbitbush
Yellow Trailing Lantana
Yellow Wood
Zebra Grass
Zephyr Flower, Atamasco Lily